Bar \ Bat mitzva tour

An exciting journey that combines a visit to a selection of places and attractions related to the Jewish world that culminated in a Torah reading ceremony at the Western Wall

History and fun

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family adventure

Premium Banner gives you a wide range of styles and options that you will definitely fall in love with

Following the Jewish heritage in the Land of Israel can lead you in a wide variety of paths and directions. The connection between the vast history of the land, the roots of the Jewish people and the modern state established here creates the ancient legacy that never ceases to grow and develop.

Whether it is your first visit or one of many, we invite you to return to your Jewish roots. Recognize and experience the ancient and modern Jewish heritage that continues to evolve here into a great nation.

"A People Who Don't Know His Past, HIs present is low and his future is in the mist"

Yigal Alon

  • Let's look back to the past and revive the heritage within you.
  • Come experience the entrance to the adult world through ancient and traditional. At the foot of the Kotel, the most
  • significant place for the jewish people.
  • Come to reminisce ancient times, and explore your family past.

Bar \ Bat mitzva tour

An exciting journey that combines a visit to a selection of places and attractions related to the Jewish world that culminated in a Torah reading ceremony at the Western Wall